To Cape Liptrap

 Some years back I found a dead Owl in Mallacoota that seemed to be of the Tasmanian taxon (Ninox novaeseelandiae leucopsis) rather than a standard Boobook (N. boobook).  When I last checked, the taxonomy of Boobooks - including the corpse I found - was subject to DNA analysis at Monash.  However this led me to decide that a visit to Cape Liptrap was needed Checking on eBird said October was the go so we duly arranged a visit staying at an AirBnB at Walkerville North from October 3 to 7.

The weather did not appear good looking as though the 4th and 5 were going to be deluges.  Then that seemed to be ameliorated.  So here goes.  

The imagery is a little stuffed as I got confused downloading and lost a few snaps.  That includes one of a lot of cloud West of Bairnsdale, which I thought was the start of the rain.  Then we came out the other side of it and I realised it was the plume of smoke from the fires around Dargo.  As we approached Stratford the rain began: x marks our position.

Here is where we are going.
We wanted to call into Yarram to see what the completed water tower looked like.  Despite the efforts of Google Maps to send us around the town we got there and it is fantastic.


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